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Dealing with depression can be a challenging and overwhelming journey. Many people struggle with symptoms for a long time before discovering an effective treatment. For others, traditional therapy does not provide the relief they desperately need. If you or someone you know is facing this struggle, there is hope on the horizon. Active Path Mental Health offers many paths to wellness, including deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (deep TMS).

Deep TMS can safely regulate neural activity related to various mental health conditions, including treatment-resistant depression. Depression is considered treatment resistant if it has not improved after a patient has tried two or more antidepressants. Deep TMS is a noninvasive medical procedure that delivers an MRI-strength electromagnetic field to brain regions that may have decreased activity. It can be used alone or with medication and psychotherapy.

What are the different types of TMS? 

Before searching for “deep TMS near me,” know that there are two types of TMS: repetitive TMS (rTMS) and deep TMS. What’s the difference?

  • Delivery systems — With rTMS, a small, curved magnetic coil is positioned slightly above a patient’s head. Deep TMS delivers its electromagnetic field via a helmet placed on a patient’s head.
  • Depth of stimulation — rTMS uses a figure-8 coil design, which reaches a depth of about 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) into the brain. Deep TMS uses a patented “H-Coil” that is capable of stimulating deeper and wider areas of the brain. It can reach a depth of about 1.6 inches (4 cm). While rTMS stimulation fades as it reaches deeper into the brain, deep TMS does not. It’s able to stimulate deeper, harder-to-reach regions of the brain.
  • Strength of electromagnetic field — During rTMS therapy, as the electromagnetic field is pulsed into the brain, it increases in strength. Deep TMS delivers its electromagnetic field at a continuous strength, no pulsing.
  • Treatment length — rTMS treatment sessions usually last about 40 minutes, depending on the protocol for a specific patient. Deep TMS treatments tend to last about 20 minutes. A typical course of treatment for both types of TMS is at least five treatments per week over six weeks (30 treatments). At Active Path Mental Health, we also typically add in six tapering TMS sessions for a total of 36 treatments.
  • Government approval — Both rTMS and deep TMS have received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat major depressive disorder (MDD). In addition, rTMS has been cleared to treat certain migraine headaches. Deep TMS has been cleared to treat anxious depression, smoking cessation, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). If you search “deep TMS near me,” make sure the mental health facility you choose offers the procedure for your specific condition.

If you are searching for “deep TMS near me,” Active Path Mental Health offers both rTMS and deep TMS. Both types of TMS require the supervision of a psychiatrist. Both are typically used only when other depression treatments haven’t been effective.

Deep TMS near me: What to expect during and after treatment

Before deep TMS treatment, patients remove anything on their bodies that might be magnetically sensitive. A cushioned helmet is then placed on the head. An electric current runs through a coil in the helmet and generates a magnetic field. This magnetic field stimulates the specific area of the brain associated with mood regulation. Treatments can promote brain cell activity, which can improve mood and alleviate symptoms of depression.

When searching for “deep TMS near me,” know that TMS machines can be noisy to some patients, so earplugs are given to wear. Patients may hear a clicking sound and feel a tapping sensation. Afterward, they can immediately resume normal activities. The treatment has no significant impact on alertness or memory, so patients need not worry about disruptions to their daily lives.

TMS is considered noninvasive, because it does not require sedation, anesthesia, surgery, incisions or lengthy recovery periods. Patients can drive themselves to and from treatment sessions. The most common side effect is a mild headache or scalp discomfort at the site of activation. This usually passes after the first few sessions. Patients also may feel like their scalp, jaw, or facial muscles are tingling or twitching during or after a procedure. This should not last long.

Most studies indicate that patients experience improvement around the fourth week of treatment. Some may notice improvements sooner, others later. The good news is that deep TMS appears to be effective, even a year after initial treatment.

Searching for deep TMS near you? 

Depression and other mental health challenges don’t have to be a lifelong battle. With innovative treatments like deep TMS, there’s a path to healing, hope and happiness. Patients can experience improvements within a few weeks and potentially enjoy lasting relief from symptoms. Deep TMS is covered by most commercial insurance carriers
Active Path Mental Health offers a promising path toward relief from the burdens of mental health conditions. If you are searching for deep TMS treatment near you and wondering if it could be the right solution for you or a loved one, we invite you to contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.

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